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Course Development Assistance (CDA+ & CDA)

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IntroSem instructors may request student assistance with course preparations and implementation from the IntroSems program. The program offers two types of student support: Course Development Assistant Plus (CDA+) or Course Development Assistant (CDA)

Teaching Assistants (TAs) are not permitted in IntroSem classes as the key pedagogic mission of the program is for first- and second-year students to have the opportunity to work with faculty directly where the instructor does all instruction and student evaluation.

The differences between the allowable forms of IntroSem support are provided below along with the link to the required CDA+/CDA request form. 

WQ instructors may request a CDA for their seminar now through December 6. Requests will be considered on a rolling basis up until the deadline until all positions are filled. Instructors must submit their CDA request to the program before offering or promising the job to a student.

IntroSems approved and hired students may work to prepare for your Winter Quarter course during the Autumn Quarter, but ABSOLUTELY NO WORK may take place during the Winter Closure: December 23-January 5. This includes email and remote work. Students may resume work on Monday, January 6.

Instructors may request CDA+ support at any time.

Request a CDA+ or CDA

Course Development Assistant Plus (CDA+)

CDA+ students are current Stanford undergrad employees of IntroSems specially trained in Canvas design, classroom and academic technology, inclusive teaching practices, and IntroSems' program resources, policies, and processes who can also help implement course enhancements such as coordinating mentor meals, planning field trips, and arranging guest speakers. A CDA+ should not be grading, evaluating student work, or taking the place of an absent instructor. 

While all CDA+s have taken at least one IntroSem and offer valuable student perspective, each brings a unique skill set which you can read about here. CDA+ students are trained and supervised by the IntroSems program’s Academic Technology Specialist, Hollie Fortkamp. You may request a CDA+ at any point before or during your quarter of instruction.

Course Development Assistants (CDA)

A CDA is a current Stanford student requested by an IntroSem instructor when specific course content knowledge is necessary for the seminar in addition to help implementing course enhancements like a mentoring meal, field trip, and/or guest speakers. A CDA should not be grading, evaluating student work, or taking the place of an absent instructor. 

Because the number of CDA positions are limited each quarter, approval from the program is required at least 30 days in advance. Instructors must submit their CDA request to the program before offering or promising the job to a student. If approved, CDAs are hired by the IntroSems program and are required to attend a program orientation. They are assigned a CDA+ mentor who is available to answer questions, but the CDA is supervised by the instructor. 

WQ instructors may request a CDA for their seminar now through December 6. Requests will be considered on a rolling basis up until the deadline until all positions are filled.

CDA Hiring Logistics

  • In general, current undergraduate students only
  • One CDA per seminar
  • Paid hourly ($18.50/hr) up to 10 hours/week for 110 hours total
  • One-time payment not available
  • Cannot be paid retroactively; hire must be approved and processed by the IntroSems program BEFORE any work is assigned
  • Must be enrolled in classes during the dates of employment. A student on a Leave of Absence is not eligible.
  • Must live on or near campus during dates of employment
  • May not be enrolled as a student in the IntroSems course in which they are a CDA. 

Request a CDA+ or CDA