About IntroSems
Since 1997, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE) has sponsored small seminar-style courses taught by faculty from all seven schools. Focused on the research interests of the faculty, IntroSems serve as first- and second-year students’ introduction to the concepts and methods of a discipline and also foster faculty/student relationships centered on intellectual growth.
Why Teach an IntroSem
Teaching a Frosh or Sophomore Seminar is a rewarding experience. Learn more about the personal and professional benefits.
Submit a New Seminar
Whether you have a fully developed syllabus or simply a preliminary topic, the process for creating or renewing an IntroSem is easy. Learn how to submit a new seminar or renew an existing seminar for the upcoming academic year.
Teaching Resources
Whether you’ve taught in IntroSems for 20 years or this quarter will be your first, IntroSems offers a wealth of resources to support your course. Find out more about the resources the IntroSem Program provides, including supplemental funding, pedagogical support, and academic technology support.
IntroSems Excellence Awards
The Russell A. Berman Award for Excellence in an Introductory Seminar recognizes a student or group project that demonstrates exceptional engagement, skill, and achievement at an annual celebration in spring. View recent recipients and learn how to nominate an IntroSems project from your seminar for an Excellence Award.
Using the IntroSems' Faculty VCA for Quarterly Student Selection (Dates)
Each quarter, IntroSems instructors are invited to select students for priority enrollment in their seminars in the student sign-up database, the IntroSems' VCA, before Axess opens for course registration.
Course Development Assistance (CDA & CDA+)
The IntroSems Program offers course assistance funds for course development assistance from students.
Course Enhancement Funds
IntroSems also offers course enhancement funds for field trips, guest speakers, mentor and reunion meals, film nights, and course activities.