Excellence Award Winners 2020-21
2020-2021 Excellence Award Winners
Madison Brodsky
Dolores Del Rio: A Story of Reluctant Identity Reinvention
Faculty: Katie Lennard
AMSTUD 44Q: Self-Made: Culture, Identity, and Histories of Reinvention in America
Allison Casasola
Mother Martyr
Faculty: Kirsten Paige
Music 16Q: Listening to Climate Change
Ryan Cheluget
Faculty: John Evans
English 90Q: Sports Writing
Adaeze Chukwuka
Faculty: Terry Berlier and Camille Utterback
Art Studio 19N: An Artist's Life: Diverse Voices and Changing Contexts
Julia DiCicco, Shreya Garg, and Niveditha Iyer
The Quantum Biology of Magnetoreception in Birds
Faculty: Stuart Thompson
Biology 12N: Sensory Ecology of Marine Animals
Ben Fischer
Expectations and Eras: An Examination of Tanzania’s Contemporary Development
Faculty: David Laitin
Political Science 46N: Contemporary African Politics
Keenan Fitzmorris and Josie Flohr
1st Grade: Challenging Islamophobia
Faculty: Rania Awaad
Psychiatry 86Q: Psychology of Xenophobia
Jennifer Fung and Emily Gurwitz
MenD - The Menstruation Detector
Faculty: John Moalli
Chemical Engineering 90Q: Dare to Care: Compassionate Design
Dylan Hyun
Pelee Island: A Biogeographical Case Study
Faculty: Peter Vitousek
Biology 16N: Island Ecology
Lauren Illa
Rare Earth Element Magnets: Use in Wind Turbines and Alternative Technologies
Faculty: John Fox with Ted Geballe
Applied Physics 79N: Energy Choices for the 21st Century
Nicole Jehl and Sydney Schmitter
The Intersection of Literature and Marine Science: Community Engagement and Education
Faculty: William F. Gilly
Biology 3N: Views of a Changing Sea: Literature and Science
Meghan Jin
Women Entrepreneurs in Women's Health
Faculty: Regina Casper and Katherine Williams
Psychiatry 111Q: The Changing Face of Mental Illness in Women: Historical, Medical and Artistic Approaches
Cole Kissane
Simulating the propagation of soundwaves in a voxel-based 3D room
Faculty: Jonathan Berger
Music 15N: The Aesthetics of Data
Amara Okoli
Was the 'Universal Problem of Women' Universal?
Faculty: Sam Wineburg
Education 116N/History 116N: Howard Zinn and the Quest for Historical Truth
Amari Paul
Minorities in Medicine
Faculty: Michael Gisondi
Emergency Medicine 123N: Does Social Media Make Better Physicians?
Diego Perez
Silicon Cynic: Stanford University, "The Progress of Civilization in America," and the Gilded Age
Faculty: Nicole Martin
History 51Q: American Greed: From Gold Rush to Silicon Valley
Tobey Shim
How does a word’s initial phoneme affect its perceived “gender”?
Faculty: Arto Anttila
Linguistics 47N: Languages, Dialects, Speakers
Regina Ta
A Melancholic Memorial: Remembering Lost Histories
Faculty: Valerie Miner
Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies 188Q/ Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity 188Q: Imagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person
Anita Taft
Posts to Ethnicity and Violence Class Tumblr on the Tulsa Massacre of 1921
Faculty: Sharika Thiranagama and Course Development Assistant Noor Amr
Anthropology 27N: Ethnicity and Violence: Anthropological Perspectives
Emma Wang
Three Feminist Apparitions Talk about Women’s Reproduction
Faculty: Estelle Freedman
History 63N: The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality
Hana/Connor Yankowitz
Strange Tool (An Intimate Knife), Queer Mask (Midas Goggles), Queer Futurity (M.O.O.N. House) and ten 1-minute sculptures.
Faculty: Terry Berlier
Art Studio 150Q: Queer Sculpture