Excellence Award Winners 2018-19
2018-2019 Excellence Award Winners
Julia Belle Adams
The Helandros
Faculty: Valerie Miner
FEMGEN 153Q/CSRE 153Q Reading and Writing the Gendered Story
Yanichka Ariunbold
Lost and Found In Translation
Faculty: Valerie Miner
FEMGEN 188Q/CSRE 188Q, "Imagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person"
Emmanuel Ntse Ayumba, Nicholas Tyler Sligh, Cathy Xuan Zhang
Exploring the Profiles of "Connectors" in the Stanford Freshman Class
Faculty: Mark Granovetter
Sociology 31N Social Networks
Mià Bahr, Hamza el Boudali, Ashley Kwon, Alexa Ramachandran
The Physicists
Faculty: Tsachy Weissman, Ayfer Ozgur, Irena Fischer-Hwang
Electrical Engineering 25N Science of Information
Dylan Alexander Boles and Micah Wheat
The Texas Issue: Sovereignty or Statehood
Faculty: Thomas Ehrlich
Education 122Q/History 52Q/Political Science 20Q Democracy in Crisis: Learning from the Past
Felipe Bomfim, James Kanoff, and Andrew Zelaya
Empathy News
Faculty: Andrea Goldsmith and My Le
Electrical Engineering 15N The Art and Science of Engineering Design
Jake Chao
Why Robots Won't Turn Evil
Faculty: Mark Crimmins
Philosophy 20N Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
Aria Fischer
17 and Gold Going on 19 and Old
Faculty: John Evans
English 90Q "Sports Writing"
Jeffrey Heo
Assessment of Modern Hydrogen Production Methods for Clean Energy Applications
Faculty: John Fox and Theodore H. Geballe
Applied Physics 79Q Energy Options for the 21st Century
Ivan Lenmdel Juarez-Reyes
CP Violation
Faculty: Renata Kallosh
Physics 18N Frontiers in Theoretical Physics and Cosmology
Woo Joo Kwon
The Globalization of Korean Food
Faculty: Dafna Zur
Korea 101N Kangnam Style: Korean Soft Power in the Global Economy
Coco Lemberg
Half and Half: Exploring Multiracial Views on Race
Faculty: Aliya Saperstein
Sociology 20N/Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity 20N What Counts as "Race" and Why?
Dante Mangiaracina
Comparing the Roads of Ancient Rome and Modern America
Faculty: Richard Saller
Classics 26N/History 11N The Roman Empire: Its Grandeur and Fall
Emily Molins
Philemon and Baucis: The Revealing Nature of a Rare Happy Ending in Ovidian Myth
Faculty: Richard P. Martin
Classics 29N Ancient Myth in Modern Poetry
Khuyen Nha Le
The Utopia Box
Faculty: Chenshu Zhou
China 154Q Utopia/Dystopia in Chinese Literature and Culture
Alexess Sosa
A Product of My History
Faculty: Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu
Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity 47Q Heartfulness
Tara Sullivan
DiversityEdu and CCC: A Stanford Intergroup Contact Kindness Intervention
Faculty: Jamil Zaki
Psychology 15N Becoming Kinder
Valerie Michelle Trapp
Sex and Salpêtrière: The Role of the Male Gaze in the Treatment of Hysteria Patients
Faculty: Katherine Williams, Regina Casper
Psychiatry 111Q Madness and the Womb: Medical and Artistic Approaches to Women and Mental Illness Through the Centuries
Cooper Veit
My New Map of Life
Faculty: Laura L. Carstensen
Psychology 8N The New Longevity
Dawson Verley
Global Conflict Observatory
Faculty: Jonathan Berger
Music 15N The Aesthetics of Data
Sohan Vichare
Portfolio of LOWKeynote Speakers
Faculty: JD Schramm, Burt Alper
GSB General & Interdisciplinary 114Q Changing Hearts and Minds
Austin Weideman
What Beethoven Means to Me
Faculty: Stephen Hinton
Music 33N Beethoven
Erin Wenokur
A Bloody Crime? Remuneration for Plasma in the United States
Faculty: Hank Greely
Genetics 104Q Law and the Biosciences
Kyle Yu
How Long Does a Stanford Custodian Need to Work to Make Rent?
Faculty: Kären Wigen
History 95N Maps in the Modern World